Everything we know or do is influenced by others and this influence has become global. For example, brands such as Apple products or Microsoft Industries have changed ways people saw things regardless of where they are in the world. Those companies gave us products that introduced the 'Internet' to people. Some may think the internet is in a box somewhere but in fact it's a web of virtual links that binds us all technology depended users together. Nowadays, most of the world are connected virtually via the internet and this has taken us a step closer towards globalization. My topic here is not computers and their uses but rather one form of the internet and that is the online Blogs. Blogs are personal public spaces reserved on the internet that allows one person to share information, ideas, or just to release a certain social frustration that has accumulated in a certain culture in a region of the world. Blogs, just like any other ideas, began differently in the 1980s. Back then, the internet was still primitive and was not common in households and rather than being found everywhere, Usenet ( the name to a site dictating the beginning of Blogs). Usenet was used as internet forums, this was the first time the internet was used to transfer information to others. In the 1990s, the World Wide Web was established and rendered Usenet obsolete, right then the internet began exploring everybodys household. Then everybody began to use the internet for questions and answers, for forums (a space to converse with others), or as their online diary (that is the Blog). Slowly entering the end of the 1990s and beginning of the 2000s, People were keeping online records of their lives and their activities on websites that are still active today, such as wordpress or Blogger. People began using webcams to transmit sound and images to their blogs giving it life and meaning to their online diary. The term "weblog" was called by Jorn Barger on 17 December 1997. The short form, "blog," was named by Peter Merholz, who jokingly broke the word weblog into the phrase we blog in the sidebar of his blog Peterme.com in April or May 1999. Blogs began taking popularity among politicians in the United States. They kept blogs just like other people however, based on the U.S. politics and decisions taken at the time. An Example would be Taegan Goddard's 'Political Wire', who was the former policy adviser to senator Donald Riegle. At one point, Blogging took a hand in the removal of U.S. Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott. He voiced his opinion over the internet which in turn was taken by 'Bloggers' and caused a massive uproar that forced his leave from office in 2002. In the year 2004, Blogs became more popular and began getting recognition around the world and became associate with an online newspaper written by the people. Blogs covered the Iraq War and gave us information taken from the eyes of the soldiers or people living in the region and thus bypassing biased news. Military soldiers have developed blogs talking about their lives, their pains, and mostly their goals after the war is done. Blogs nowadays are very popular with the young teenage population of the world where they share their need to connect and converse with others online.