Thursday, 18 October 2012

What Is reality?

      What do you see? the Mona Lisa, indeed it is one of the world's most famous artworks. But is it so grande that it overshadows today's artists? By looking at the Mona Lisa you see realism in the style of painting and many claim that it sort of interacts with the viewer like it follows them with her eyes. Creepy stuff but primitive nonetheless. Now Leonardo left a legacy of incredible paintings but we are only honoring his masterpiece by talking about it or just viewing it. Nowadays we took realism in art to the next step.

     What is reality? It is something real or factual. People may argue that reality is defined by something you can touch, feel, taste. Video games are, in my opinion, the worlds greatest artwork for one single reason. Video games are becoming reality. So now close your eyes and imagine the Mona Lisa on a Hi-definition TV, wielding a shotgun and killing zombies. Why can't zombies be real? just because they don't exist in reality doesn't mean they don't exist. Don't get me wrong I am happy they don't exist in the real world but every idea exists. That's right today's art work is more interactive and more enjoyable. Before we used to only view the painting for a few minutes or a maximum of one hour. Things have changed now you get immersed in the life of the character and it is shaped by how you interact with it.

     Now we are entering the domain of virtual reality. Soon we won't need TVs to play games, soon we won't have to find an excuse to leave and play sports. Soon we won't really need to leave the comfort of our home to enjoy our hobbies. People will still say this is not reality and nothing can captivate the feel of outdoors. How about the training simulators for the US Army before they go to war. That training saved many lives and kept many minds sane since they at least prepared for the worst.

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